WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for May 1
By Bryan Heaton
Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick, & Noam Dar vs. Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa, & Gentleman Jack Gallagher
Result: Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa, & Gentleman Jack Gallagher defeated Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick, & Noam Dar via pinfall
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Hey, there are other Cruiserweights besides Aries and Neville? Who knew?
WWE is the weirdest company sometimes. They go out and sign all of these guys to deals, then leave them on the sidelines. Or they get relegated to house shows, or Main Event only. I get needing matches for Main Event, but if you don’t care about it enough to air it on a real network (or the WWE Network), who’s going to pay attention to the superstars who only show up there?
Take Rich Swann. This was his first appearance on Raw since March 6. That’s just about two months! Yeah, that was mainly because of WrestleMania build, but what about the month since then? Getting this division over can only happen if they’re given opportunities to perform in front of the larger audience.
Anyway, this is a pretty good six-man match. Nothing super fancy, but by definition trios matches are usually better than average. I still think the cruiserweight matches should have more of a distinct style than the official Raw roster. If everyone does suicide dives and fast-paced, high-flying offense, what’s left for the 205 Live crew?
Just want to point out how good Kendrick is – he adjusted to go for the Sliced Bread #2 on the ropes as opposed to the turnbuckles just to set up a blind tag off the reversal. He’s such a good influence on the division.