Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for May 4

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GFW Women’s Championship Match
Sienna vs Christina Von Eerie

Result: Sienna def. Von Eerie via pinfall

Sienna tries to end the match early off a potential springboard and this gives her control.  After that initial high flying maneuver, Sienna decided to keep Von Eerie grounded.  The match goes to the outside but Von Eerie fights back with that same offense that set her up earlier.  Von Eerie attempts the arm trapped facebuster but it’s reversed by the Silencer.  Sienna defeats Christina Von Eerie to become the new Global Force Women’s Champion.

This was another amazing match between two talented women.  It’s a sign of things to come for the Knockout’s Division.  The stable with Sienna against a reformed Decay could be just what the Women’s Division needs.  Could it be Sienna and Rosemary in a unification match?

EC3 vs John Bowling

Result: Carter def. Bowling via pinfall

Ethan Carter III jumps on John Bowling from the start of this match.  Carter adding moves to his repotoire and showcasing them in this match.  He basically called the shots in this match but doesn’t end it with the TK3.  Carter is victorious easily with the One Percenter against Bowling.

This looks like a more aggressive EC3 as he is getting back to his roots.  There was no surprise that Carter would win this match against a relatively unknown competitor.  He is focused and getting back to his peak.  Carter has a relatively good chance of attaining his goal at Slammiversary.  We all saw how dominant he was before and it could continue in the coming weeks.

After the match, Ethan Carter III cuts a promo after his match to tell Impact management that the blood is on their hands.  He states that he can’t be stopped from becoming a three-time Impact World Champion not even the new Impact regime.