WWE SummerSlam 2017: 5 Potential Main Events

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WWE SummerSlam is still far away, but what could be possibilities for the main event of the show?

SummerSlam is considered the second biggest WWE pay-per-view of the year. It features big names going head-to-head in feuds fans would normally see at WrestleMania. So, there’s always anticipation for this event.

We’re already moving toward SummerSlam 2017, as WrestleMania 33 passed over 30 days ago. That means plans will come together backstage and in the ring for the show, along with multiple PPVs taking place before this August showcase at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY.

Something will have to main event SummerSlam. We’ve seen non-title matches headline each of the past two years, so will that be the case again? What about a potential decision of which World title closes the show?

Let’s take a look at potential main events for SummerSlam.

5. John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

At some point, we’re bound to get Roman Reigns vs. John Cena in a Passing of the Torch Match. That’s no rumor or report, but something that seems logical, or the next stepping stone in handing off the big-time spot to the next top star. Hulk Hogan did this for the Rock, who then followed up by doing this for John Cena at WrestleMania 29.

Reigns vs. Cena is WrestleMania-worthy, but it doesn’t seem like something WWE would do to close that show, for now. That comes after WWE avoided doing the Face That Runs the Place vs. the Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. Instead, they could do the WrestleMania 30 or 31 treatment by throwing a rising star at him.

This battle of two polarizing stars is sure to make headlines and shake up the WWE landscape. It’s something fans may actually root for Cena in, especially after the crowd reactions Reigns received on the night after WrestleMania 33. So, why wouldn’t WWE go through with this?

Well, an issue that comes up is WWE’s avoidance of interbrand matches. They didn’t do any of these at WrestleMania 33, unless you count the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. We won’t count Payback, either, which had to be changed with the Superstar Shakeup affecting the rosters. So, there hasn’t been an interbrand singles match since SummerSlam 2016, with Brock Lesnar defeating Randy Orton.

Cena vs. Reigns will happen, but maybe not at SummerSlam, as long as WWE continues running the brand split the way they have.