4 Ways Braun Strowman’s Injury Will Impact WWE Raw

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2. What Main Events Extreme Rules?

Taking Strowman off Raw for 1-2 months will certainly remove him from the Extreme Rules PPV. It looked like he would headline it with Reigns, but those plans will have to be changed. That leaves a gaping hole to close this show, with nothing standing out to replace it.

As noted, look for feuds to change to accommodate the Strowman injury and give Reigns something to do. This may not look great and will mess with continuity, but it’s a situation where the Top Heel of Raw is a difficult man to replace.

This is where it hurts to not have the WWE Universal Championship around. They’ll have this for Great Balls of Fire, but Extreme Rules will not, so another nontitle feud may main event. Whatever Reigns does will be a candidate, but that will depend on the upcoming episode of Raw to see what WWE gives him to do, along with how important other potential matches for Extreme Rules are made to be.

If we are getting Reigns vs. Wyatt, there’s an argument for Ambrose vs. Balor vs. Miz to close Extreme Rules. The belt has been made important for the past two weeks on Raw, closing both shows. That should be indicative of something, unless it’s just WWE making an undercard match for Extreme Rules feel important.

A second option is the Raw Women’s Championship Match with Alexa Bliss and Bayley. While closing a PPV with a rematch won’t look great, it pushes the narrative of WWE focusing more on the female talent and giving them a bigger spotlight. What better time to do this than the last show without the Universal Championship on it?