Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for May 11

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Andrew Everett vs Caleb Konley vs Dezmond Xavier vs Matt Sydal

Result: Everett der. Konley, Xavier, and Sydal

The match starts in a frenzy as all four men try to use leverage to gain an early victory.  Sydal and Konley lock in dual submission in the middle of the ring and start to work together.  Xavier fights off both Sydal and Konley to stop their early chances.  Everyone is getting chance to win this match but nothing more impressive than the dives in this match.  When it looked like Matt Sydal or Dezmond Xavier was going to come away with the victory, Everett wins with his Frankendriver.

This was one of the best ways possible to start the show.  After last week’s classic between Eddie Edwards and Matt Sydal, there was nothing wrong with the X-Division starting the show again.  Everett continues to win in the division and may be on the number one contender’s track to the X-Division Championship.

EC3 Becomes Ethan Cowboy III

Ethan Carter III comes out dressed as a Cowboy and claims that he will pay homage to “The Cowboy” James Storm.  He sings a song that reminds Storm of what he did a few weeks ago in the World Title main event.  As EC3 claims to be the top man here, James Storm interrupts the solo.  Storm comes up from behind and catches Carter’s attention by grabbing a cowbell that he had brought into the ring.  James Storm puts the beat down on EC3 but Carter fights back with a cowboy boot that had slipped off of his foot.  Ethan Carter III handcuffs James Storm to the ropes and whips him with a leather strap.  Security tries to come out and stop him but he stops them to finish his attack.

EC3 made sure that everyone in the arena knows that he is back with this segment.  The malicious attack simply adds to the anger and desire to see Carter get up by Storm.  His cowboy persona added to the troll that he is.  It looks like this rivalry will see it’s pay off at Slammiversary but there is plenty of time in between to continue to build.