Courtesy of WWE
3. Edge and Christian
This next tag team totally reek of awesomeness. So they had come in on the list at number three. Edge and Christian are what stories are made of. Two childhood best friends making their way to the WWE and winning championships together. E & C were apart of the WWE Attitude Era and were also a very funny duo during the time when The Outlaws were losing steam. The had the WWE universe eating out of their hands on the way to being on of the best tag team champions of all time.
Edge and Christian started out in the group the Brood, with Gangrel as their leader. After a lengthy run, they would split from him and become their own tag team. E&C would then feud with The Hardy Boyz who were now with Gangrel as the New Brood. During their first of many feuds with The Hardyz, they lost the Terri Invitational. Edge and Christian would turn heel and start to enjoy major success.
At WrestleMania 2000, after months a feuding with the Matt and Jeff Hardy, Edge and Christian would finally become tag team champions. They won in a triple threat tag team ladder match that included The Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz. This would be the start of the greatest feud between three teams in the history of sports entertainment. At SummerSlam that same year E&C retained their titles in the first ever Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. Edge and Christian would go on to win the title a total of seven times! So, to those with the benefits of flash photography, cherish the moment of one of the best tag team champions of all time.
Edge and Christian would go on to win the title a total of seven times! They gave us some hilarious moments and even greater moments in the ring. They are currently on have their on show on the WWE still funny as ever. So, to those with the benefits of flash photography, cherish the moment of one of the best tag team champions of all time.