Photo Credit: WWE.com
10. Team Hell No
Where would the WWE tag team division be without the angry, unstable team of Kane and Daniel Bryan? After the tag division was hurting much of the early 2010s, it would be this unlikely pairing bringing back the glory. In 2012 Kane lost to Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam, and AJ Lee dumped DB for the RAW GM job. These downfalls lead the two being pretty enraged throughout the year. The “YES!” chants went to “NO!” chants for DB. Kane was causing havoc in the locker room until he got a rematch with Bryan. Instead of a rematch, AJ lee put the two together as a team, and Team Hell No was formed.
The tag team division in 2012 was boring and lame, but then came Team Hell No. Their backstage and in-ring segments were some of the highlights of 2012 and 2013. From the anger manager sessions, the anger management graduation, the “Kane is smelly” rap, and the “Newly Tag Team Game” all were gems. Thier biggest moment came when they would capture the tag team championship at Night of Champions defeating R-Truth and Kofi Kingston. Kane would claim, “I am the Tag Team Champions.” Byant would claim too, “No, I am the Tag Team Champions.” I don’t know if they ever figured out who was the tag team champions. Team Hell No held on to the titles for an impressive 246 before dropping them to Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.
Before the likes of the New Day and Enzo and Cass made RAW entertaining, Team Hell No did it. Their union was probably not meant to be a successful one, but it was a home run. Kane and DB only had one reign as a team, but it was the most prominent reign of the early 2010s.