ROH War of the Worlds 2017 Results: World Title Match, Adam Cole Out of Bullet Club

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ROH War of the Worlds 2017 was held in New York City from the Hammerstein Ballroom. There were no title changes and no disappointments.

On Friday night, the ROH War of the Worlds pay-per-view took place from New York City, NY. They collaborated with NJPW for this, as part of their ongoing tour. It saw plenty of big matches, including the ROH World Championship on the line.

We saw plenty of action at the Hammerstein Ballroom, so let’s see what happened. Who walked out on top with a championship?

Silas Young vs Bobby Fish vs KUSHIDA vs Dalton Castle 

Result: Dalton Castle defeats Silas Young, Bobby Fish and KUSHIDA.

The pay per view kicked off with a Fatal Four-Way between  Silas Young, KUSHIDA, Bobby Fish and Dalton Castle. The Last Real Man ripped Kushida for pandering to the crowd with a Yankees jersey. Once this match started it was very stiff but very face-paced. Overall a good opening contest to prepare the New York City crowd for what was in store for the rest of the night.

Hangman Page vs Frankie Kazarian

Result: Hangman Page defeats Frankie Kazarian.

Next up was a match between a current member of Bullet Club and a former member of Bullet Club as Hangman Page went one-on-one with Frankie Kazarian. The last time these two men were in the Hammerstein Ballroom, they were stablemates competing together in a match to become the number one contender for the ROH World TV Championship.

However, this time these two were in a grudge match stemming back to the same event (Manhattan Mayhem) when Kaz turned his back on Bullet Club. The commentary team really set up the importance of Page winning. Not only to avenge Kaz turning on BC but also to set the tone for the Cub for the rest of the night.

War Machine vs Evil & Sanada vs Chris Saban & Jonathan Gresham 

Result: War Machine defeats Evil & Sanada and Chris Saban & Jonathan Gresham. 

Up next was a non-title triple threat tag team match. Evil & Sanada vs Chris Saban & Jonathan Gresham Vs the IWGP Tag Team Champions War Machine. Every team had their chance to shine in this contest. All the competitors played the triple threat psychology well, with teams often taking advantage of the stipulation.

Either Saban and Gresham or Evil and Sanada would both be in the ring double teaming on one another. This was explained by the Ring of Honor commentary as the New Japan referee letting the teams fight.

Once either member of War Machine entered the ring, the dynamic changed. This match made everyone look good but made War Machine look dominant. This included the IWGP Tag Team Champions blocking forearms and elbows with their face and belly-to-belly suplexing both Saban and Gresham at the same time.

Evil hit Ray Rowe with a  chair while a chair was around the tag champ’s neck. Which knocked chair around his neck out of ring! This sick spot was appropriately titled  “chair baseball” by Colt Cabana (who was on commentary).

Will Ospreay vs Jay White

Result: Will Ospreay defeated Jay White.

The next match was an international showcase, a wrestler from New Zealand vs a wrestler from the United Kingdom, wrestling for a Japanese promotion at an American event in New York City.

Before the match, ROH declared that “this is the future” and every wrestling fan should pray that they are right because this match did not disappoint. Honestly, anyone could say this match stole the show. This was simply amazing, to the point where a short review or even a transcribed play-by-play would not do these two men justice.

Punishment Martinez appeared after the two men shook hands following their awesome match and the “6-foot-7 monster” destroyed them both. Making an incredible statement in front of the fans in attendance and the millions of fans watching around the world.