5 Potential Contenders to the WWE United States Championship

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2. Sami Zayn

Zayn has yet to win gold on the main roster. The underdog from the underground is an obvious fan favorite so when he finally captures a title it will no doubt be a “moment” in the WWE Universe. Better yet, his ex-best friend and archenemy Owens is the current United States Champion, and we all know they are destined to fight forever.

Unlike the former El Generico, Owens has lived up to his Prizefighter persona, capturing the Intercontinental Championship, Universal Championship and now United States Championship since joining the main roster. So it would be poetic justice to see Sami defeat the “new face of America.”

This story writes itself. In fact, these two do not even need a title to put on a classic match. Watch any of their matches from ROH or NXT or from last year’s Payback or Battleground. These two are artists in the squared circle.

Zayn has been over with the fans because of his in-ring ability and how relatable he is with the WWE Universe. If he were to defeat Owens or the aforementioned Corbin or anyone for that matter, it could/would feel special.

Let’s not forget the real world implications either. Similar to the art imitating life scenario previously stated with Corbin, The Underdog from the Underground winning the US title could gain the WWE that mainstream publicity that they love so much. Zayn is a proud Canadian and a proud Muslim, and with the controversy surrounding the current administration in the White House in regards to immigration, work visas and Islam; the underdog winning the US title could not only steal headlines but could be a great public relations move for the publicly traded company.

Outside wrestling aspects aside, Zayn is one of the best in-ring talents in the company. He loves the business so much that every time he is in the ring it feels like he is wrestling like it is his last match. If things are done well, we could see Zayn defeat his rival Owens for the belt at SummerSlam; in a moment reminiscent of Bret Hart and the British Bulldog in 1992.