WWE NXT: 5 Potential Opponents for Adam Cole

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5. Roderick Strong

An obvious choice would be another former ROH World Heavyweight Champion on the current NXT roster, Roderick Strong. The former Mr. Ring of Honor and newly ousted Bullet Club member do have history with one another. Cole won his first gold in ROH by defeating Strong for the ROH World TV title.

Since joining NXT, Strong has sort of been lost in the shuffle, feuding with SAnitY and competing in six-man tag team matches. Though he is an undeniable in-ring technician, one could consider him a very vanilla babyface. A program with a natural heel like Cole could and would bring out the best of both men and display their main event level talent.

Similar to Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in NXT, both Cole and Strong are familiar with each other. So as far as their would-be NXT matches are concerned, there is nothing to worry about. The variable in a Cole-Strong program is the story they would want to tell.

Recently on NXT they have been running  “Who is Roderick Strong” vignettes in order for the WWE Universe to get to know him on a more personable level. This is the perfect setup for Cole to come in, and completely disrespect everything honorable about the former Mr. Ring of Honor.

Cole is known for his lack of respect, of his opponents, the fans, his bosses and even his teammates. Coming in and insulting Strong’s past or his wife and family, it would get him proper heel heat from the Full Sail crowds.

Imagine Cole mocking Strong’s father’s “rock-and-roll” lifestyle or how he was shot. That is not a farfetched concept considering the things Cole has said audibly to his opponents inside the ring (Christopher Daniels at the ROH Anniversary Show for example).

Cole vs Strong does not have to be for the NXT Championship but these two competing over the belt would certainly have a big fight feel.