1. WWE/Intercontinental Championships vs. The World Tag Team Championship -WWE Backlash 2001
Sixteen years ago, WWE presented a match which can quite possibly go down as the match with the highest stakes in history. It all started the night after WrestleMania 17, when Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin decided to work together. Destroying The Rock alongside Vince McMahon, they would label themselves the Two Man Power Trip.
As WWE Champion, Austin used his new heel status to wreak havoc on the company’s programming. Triple H followed suit, quickly winning the Intercontinental Championship from Chris Jericho. The duo would continue to lay waste to teams such as the Hardy Boyz unchallenged, until two men decided they had seen enough.
On an episode of Raw, Kane and The Undertaker interrupted an attack orchestrated by Austin and Triple H. Forcing the two to retreat, the Brothers of Destruction stood tall and were eager for a showdown. McMahon would make the match official shortly thereafter, but the stakes were raised considerably a short time later.
When the Brothers of Destruction won the World Tag Team titles, McMahon wanted to acquire the belts. To do so, he had to make a deal with his wife Linda. So at Backlash, it was decided that not only were the tag titles on the line, but also the WWE and IC Championships.
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Because the pressure was higher than ever before, all four men put a great deal of effort into securing the victory. Ultimately, an arm injury which plagued Kane throughout the contest came to haunt him, as Triple H made use of a sledgehammer to end the big Red Machine’s night. The pinfall was all but certain due to this, allowing Austin and Triple H to make history on that night.