WWE Backlash’s Top 10 Matches of All Time, Ranked

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5. WWE Championship Match – WWE Backlash 2006
John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Triple H

Similar to the previous slide featuring John Cena, the Champ was in the middle of his second reign as the titleholder when this match came about. Having defeated Triple H by submission at WrestleMania 22, Cena predicted that a new challenger would step up. That belief held true when Edge, who had just defeated Mick Foley the night prior, arrived on Raw to address the champion.

Declaring that he was the rightful No. 1 contender, Edge was then interrupted by Triple H. The interaction between the three led to a triple threat match being announced for Backlash. Considering these were main event caliber talents, no one could guess who would emerge victoriously.

Once the match itself began, there were a number of cool and exciting instances that kept fans engaged in the action. Towards the closing moments, Edge’s girlfriend Lita sensed an opportunity to aid her significant other. Grabbing a chair at ringside, she attempted to blindside Triple H with a shot to the head. Unfortunately for her, The Game saw it coming and leveled her with a spinebuster.

With the outside interference taken care of, a battered and bloodied Triple H tried to end the contest. As Cena had Edge hoisted up for the AA, The Game delivered a vicious low blow. The move sent Edge over the top rope, and left Cena in prime position for the Pedigree. Surprisingly, the champion managed to counter and roll Triple H up for the upset victory. Angered over the result, Triple H took a sledgehammer and attacked every man in the ring to close out the event.