WWE Extreme Rules 2017: Predicting Odds for Main Event Match’s Stars

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Photo by WWE.com

Seth Rollins

For most of Rollins’ singles run in WWE, he’s been in the World championship picture. From the WWE World Heavyweight to the Universal Title, it was all about the main event scene for the former ROH star. That changed by December, when he began feuding with Chris Jericho and in WrestleMania 33 season, with Triple H.

Six months since Rollins’ last PPV title match, he’s getting an opportunity to win the right to face Lesnar for the Universal Championship. It’s a chance to revive some of the momentum he had in his heel run, which has yet to come full circle in an eight-month face run.

What gives the Architect a decent chance of winning the No. 1 contendership? Well, his feud with Joe seems to be winding down. They’ve faced off a handful of times and seen a clean finish occur. While this program has shown it will continue, it could culminate in Rollins pinning Joe at Extreme Rules, deeming another one-on-one match to not be as significant.

Rollins vs. Lesnar is also an unfinished story. These two faced off for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Battleground 2015, but interference from The Undertaker caused this match to end early. So would WWE go back down this route?

As noted, though, we’ve seen Rollins in the title picture all too many times. While it’s been six months since then, he may be better used for depth at Great Balls of Fire. This can be with a blow-off to the feud with Joe, giving them an extended opportunity at putting on a match.

Odds of winning: Fair chance