WWE Backlash 2017: 5 Bold Predictions

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Credit: WWE.com

4. The Fashion Police Steal the Tag Team Championships

When there was a beat the clock challenge in place to determine the No. 1 contenders for the SmackDown Live Tag Team Championships, many people assumed American Alpha or The Colóns would be the ones to win the challenge since they were the only teams built up at that point.

It was a big shock when the team of Breezango, longtime residents of jobberville that recently jobbed out to John Cena and Nikki Bella, won the opportunity to face The Usos for the belts at Backlash.

Fans have been calling for a push for The Fashion Police for a long time, but this shock may be as far as the push goes with Breezango. The original plan most likely was to have this gorgeous duo partake in a filler feud with The Usos until American Alpha or The New Day come in to take the titles.

However, now that Breezango is in the spotlight of SmackDown Live‘s tag team division, they have been more impressive and entertaining than ever. Their new weekly segment “The Fashion Files” is a riot that allows Breeze and Fandango a stage to showcase their creativity and charisma.

Breeze and Fandango have always been great in ring workers, as well. So, these two will be no slouches in any match scenario they get thrown into.

The duo is oozing with talent and charisma, and if they were not over with the crowd before, there’s no question that these two are the most over tag team on SmackDown Live right now.

Breezango’s recent work as the Fashion Police may just force the WWE creative team to change their hand with Breezango from credible contenders to the new SmackDown Live Tag Team Champions.