Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for May 18

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Ultimate X Match for the X-Division Championship
Low Ki(c) vs Trevor Lee vs Andrew Everett

Result: Low Ki def. Lee and Everett

The match started fast as no one was safe from the feet of champion, Low Ki.  Everett and Lee are left alone after Low Ki is bounced off one of the supporting beams.  It’s a battle of taking out the rest of your opponents so that you can grab the championship.  After Low Ki’s early onslaught, everyone turned their offensive focus on him.  For a while, it was Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett battling over the X-Division Championship.  Not even using the hair against Trevor Lee lasted long for Low Ki as he was taken down by Lee.

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Andrew Everett decides to take a chance by hit a springboard shooting star press but it gives Low Ki an opening.  As Everett stops Low Ki from grabbing the title, Helms gives Lee a chair.  The chair is used to keep Everett from the title but Low Ki punches the chair into Lee’s face.  The punch effects Low Ki’s climbing ability giving the other competitors a chance.  The hand continues to slow down Low Ki as Helms slows down Andrew Everett with a top rope neckbreaker.  All three men are at the center of the structure but Low Ki kicks down Everett and Lee.  Low Ki retains the X-Division Championship in Ultimate X.