WWE Backlash 2017: 3 Booking Decisions to Avoid

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3. Make the Roles Clear

This is more aimed at the US Title Match and the Women’s Tag Team match.

Heading into the US Title match, it’s clear that Owens is the heel. But, Styles’ status is still uncertain.

Sure, AJ Styles has been tagging with faces, he’s been wrestling the heels and he’s been attacked by them, but there was no turn.

He could become a tweener — neither face nor heel — playing on the ‘Smackdown being the house that AJ Styles built’ thing. But, they have to make that clear in the match.

Styles would regularly ignore cheers and chants aimed at him, sometimes telling fans to stop — that could continue throughout this match.

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The same goes for Charlotte in the Women’s Tag Team Match. Though she tags with the faces and fights the heels, she was the top woman heel prior and never really had a turn.

Backlash needs to establish the roles of AJ Styles and Charlotte. If they don’t, they may discredit the heel work of their opponents.