Predicting the WWE Women’s Tournament Field

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WWE Women’s Tournament, credit:

Predicting the field of 32 for the first-ever WWE Women’s tournament set for this summer.

Piggy-backing on the success of the Cruiserweight Classic and the United Kingdom Championship tournament, the WWE announced on April 1, that the women of professional wrestling will be the next group of stars to foray into a WWE Network exclusive.  Set for sometime later this summer, the WWE Women’s Tournament field will consist of 32 workers from all around the globe and will give the fans a chance to check out some of the women who may one day forge the future of professional wrestling.

Further announcements that include exact dates and what women will be selected are still to come, so in the meantime, it’s always fun to speculate.  Triple H did announce that the 32 women involved will be from 17 different countries.  Sorry, but in upcoming list, I could only find superstars from 10, so obviously I’m going to be a little off.  But either way, each and every one of the upcoming 32 women have earned the right to be a part of this showcase.

We’re going to assume that like the aforementioned tournaments, the WWE will most likely use a few of the superstars that they already have on the roster to round out the field.  Don’t expect any title contenders but more likely than not, you’ll see some women who haven’t been utilized all that much that could use some exposure.  No matter how you slice it, this a groundbreaking tournament and will give many female superstars a major chance to shine.

Let’s predict them.  Ahead are 32 predictions for the Women’s Tournament field.