WWE Backlash 2017 Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades

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Baron Corbin vs. Sami Zayn

Result: Sami Zayn defeats Baron Corbin via pinfall.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

A story with some backstory, but not too much. It got Corbin and Zayn onto the card, showcasing two of the rising stars of SmackDown Live.

Zayn took a beating from Corbin for most of this match. The larger Superstar used his power and decimated the Underdog from the Underground, including using a vicious clothesline. He thwarted any attempt of Zayn’s to comeback, using ring psychology on the back of the babyface.

When Zayn started coming back, he tried using the exploder suplex, but couldn’t lift Corbin for it. This didn’t affect the finish, though, as he was able to hit the Helluva Kick to get the big victory.

The Lone Wolf was by far the dominant one here, looking like a million bucks for most of the match. However, like everyone’s favorite commentator, JBL, said, one mistake cost him. This allowed Zayn to work around his underdog ways and pick up his biggest win in a while.

These two should get spots in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match in June. If anything, Corbin may be the favorite to claim the briefcase. Sometimes, in anticipation of this, WWE will have the future briefcase holder put over other stars, knowing that he’ll get a WWE Championship opportunity. Could that be the plan?