4 Predictions for WWE SmackDown Live: May 23, 2017

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The Phenomenal One Isn’t Happy

Throughout the United States Championship match at Backlash, both AJ Styles and Kevin Owens fought in a war. The action was intense, and the in-ring storytelling was absolutely superb. Styles appeared to be a resilient competitor because he kept pushing through his injured leg. Owens benefited as well, not only from winning the match, but also by establishing that he will do anything to retain the title.

Due to the fact that their match on Sunday ended in a count-out, there’s probably going to be another part to this feud. Plus, it’s safe to assume that Styles is going to want payback for the unwarranted superkick he received after their match. That contest is likely to occur at Money in the Bank, with the first steps toward that path beginning here tonight. Below is a sample direction that WWE may follow for the storyline to develop.

Feeling as though he was robbed of a chance to win the United States Championship, the Phenomenal One will arrive to SmackDown Live incensed. He’ll demand another shot at the title, which will no doubt bring Owens out to the ring. There the Prizefighter will gloat about his win, and of course, reject Styles’ challenge. He’ll claim that he’s more than content to have the single victory on his record.

Owen’s rejection would in turn cause Shane McMahon to get involved in the situation. The Commissioner will either give Styles the opportunity outright, or he may require that the Phenomenal One earns it. Either way, this possible path is a great way to instill another piece into the ongoing rivalry.