Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for May 25

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Davey Richards and Angelina Love vs Eddie Edwards and Alisha Edwards

Result: Richards and Love def. Eddie and Alisha via pinfall

Eddie Edwards pushes the tempo early in this match by taking Davey Richards outside of the ring.  Angelina Love comes to her husband’s aid but Alisha Edwards takes out everyone with a dive from the top turnbuckle.  This turns the tide of the match as both Edwards continue to work together.  Richards then attacks the injured knee of Eddie Edwards to regain control.  He locks in the figure four leg lock with the help of Angelina Love for leverage.  Although the knee looked better at the beginning of this match, the attack by Richards definitely took its toll.

Eddie Edwards gets Alisha Edwards into the match after a vicious German suplex into the corner.  Edwards comes into the match with angry energy but her inexperience almost costs her.  After missing a splash from the top turnbuckle, Alisha Edwards recovers and uses her leverage to pin Angelina Love.  After the match, Richards handcuffs Edwards to the bottom rope.  Angelina Love delivers a powerbomb to Alisha Edwards through a table.

This has been one of the best rivalries in Impact Wrestling.  It has been surprising to see the Richards come out on top of every situation.  Eddie and Alisha can’t catch a break as Davey and Angelina continue to have the upper hand.  It begs the question of how will the Edwards finally conquer the punishment that they have absorbed.