3. The Miz’s Gameplan Backfires, Gets Himself Disqualified
Dean Ambrose won’t enjoy the luxury of the “champion’s advantage” at Extreme Rules. He can lose the Intercontinental Championship via disqualification against The Miz, and that added stipulation makes this contest all the more intriguing.
The Miz is renowned for winning by any means necessary, and you can bet he will be playing up to the stipulation. Whether through Maryse distracting the referee or by the official getting temporarily knocked down, The Miz will bring weapons into this match.
Yet instead of simply trying to win fairly inside the ring, his masterplan will backfire. Rather than fooling the referee into disqualifying Ambrose, or antagonizing the champion to the point that he snaps and breaks the rules, The Miz is the one who will get DQ’ed.
One way or another this stipulation will play into the finish. But after so much has been made of Ambrose dropping the title via disqualification, it’s easy to forget The Miz, too, could wind up getting caught.