WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 3 Feuds That Can Continue After Extreme Rules

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Source: WWE.com

3. The Hardy Boyz vs. Sheamus and Cesaro

The way WWE handled Sheamus and Cesaro’s heel turns was perfect.

The two men struggled for weeks with consecutive singles and tag-team losses to the returning Hardy Boyz after WrestleMania, and tried their best to remain sportsmanlike in their conduct despite being noticeably shaken by each loss.

WWE Payback was the straw that broke the camel’s back, as Sheamus and Cesaro blindsided Matt and Jeff Hardy after the match and cemented their heel turn.

Though the turn itself was handled excellently, the way WWE capitalized on that shift in character was not. Sheamus and Cesaro have still spent the better part of the last five weeks being beaten in some shape or form by The Hardy Boyz, and it even led to the defending champions picking this Sunday’s Steel Cage match stipulation.

Needless to say, this upcoming title fight is Sheamus and Cesaro’s last chance to make any sort of impact before their heel turn is confirmed a flop.

WWE needs to realize that just because they may be the best tag-team in the company, The Hardy Boyz are by no means invincible. And a storyline featuring the younger breed of athletes toppling the veterans, before the inevitable resurgence of the fallen heroes, sounds like something that could be beneficial on all accounts.

On that note, Sheamus and Cesaro should utilize Sunday’s stipulation to their advantage and use every dirty tactic in the book in order to win.

There’s a reason Matt and Jeff didn’t choose a Ladder Match, and it has to be because Sheamus and Cesaro have much more realistic chances in a steel cage.