WWE: 25 Greatest Entrance Theme Songs of All Time

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Bobby Roode

Full disclosure, part 2: This is the second of two themes on the list that have been my ringtone (this is the current one). It’s also the only entry that has not yet appeared on the WWE main roster, as it’s associated with the current NXT Champion.

But with this being perhaps the most over theme song in WWE right now – even more so than the performer attached to it, depending on who you talk to – there was no way I could ignore it. It’s just the kind of song that is almost perfect, and the way it has enhanced Bobby Roode’s NXT career is almost unprecedented.

I mean, let’s be real – Roode is a great competitor, but in NXT, he’s basically boring as hell if his entrance theme is done playing. He’s got some flashes of brilliance here and there, but overall his matches have been dull and his promos average at best.

But that theme music, wow. It truly is glorious. From the opening piano tremolo that gets the crowd pumped up, to the arena rock sounds reminiscent of Queen, it’s a terrific composition. Even outside of the world of wrestling, it’s a great song in general. When you get an arena full of people singing along, it seems larger than life.

Considering “Glorious Domination” was actually written for the superstar whose theme is the last one in our countdown, it’s amazing that it fits Roode as well as it does.