WWE Extreme Rules 2017: 5 Potential Swerves

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4. Dar-tbreak

If you’re not one of the 205 people watching 205 Live every week, you probably don’t know the whole history with Alicia Fox and Noam Dar. To quickly recap, Fox appeared on Raw/205 Live with Cedric Alexander after the debut of the cruiserweights. Dar had the hots for Alicia, she led him on but then chose him. Rich Swann defended Cedric and led to a breakup of Dar and Fox, but now they’re back together.

Now, Sasha Banks has gotten mixed in with the Dar-Fox relationship. After a series of matches between Sasha and Alicia, nothing was settled. But Dar injected himself into the proceedings, raising the ire of The Boss – and bringing Swann back into things. Lo and behold, here we are.

Swann and Banks are teaming up to take on the lovebirds at Extreme Rules. While it would seem that the story is fairly well confined to these four superstars, there’s room to add someone in. Cedric Alexander never really got any kind of closure from his dealings with Fox and Dar due to an injury. But he’s healthy and back in action. Why not add him to the mix?

If Swann and Banks look like they’re in trouble, maybe Cedric can lend a hand. It may not be the best possible story for someone of his talent, but it’s a story, at least.