WWE Extreme Rules 2017: 5 Potential Swerves

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2. Welcome to The Club

Two weeks ago, Paul Heyman made a surprise appearance on Raw to address Finn Balor. With the fatal five-way match set for the Extreme Rules main event, Balor has a chance to become the next challenger for the Universal Championship. That title match, of course, would come against Heyman’s client, Brock Lesnar.

Heyman’s message to Balor was fairly straight-forward – though no one has a chance against Lesnar, Balor is the “preferred” opponent. Heyman wished Finn luck before leaving, while reminding him that even should he become number one contender he’d just be punching a ticket to Suplex City.

Balor went on to defeat longtime friend Karl Anderson after Heyman left, but one can’t help but wonder if Heyman’s message had a deeper meaning. Why is Heyman – and presumably Lesnar – so keen on facing Balor? Do they think he’s going to be easier to defeat? Should Balor be worried?

Maybe Balor thought the same thing, and he’s recruiting some help. Maybe that help will make themselves known at Extreme Rules, giving a boost to make Balor the number one contender and a legitimate threat to Lesnar. And what better help than The Club?

The match between Balor and Anderson sure made it seem like a reunion from Japan was out of the question, but things change. After Balor had the triple threat match against Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt won, he missed out on the victory due to a numbers game. If he wants to be successful Sunday, having some backup may be a good idea.

And let’s face it, Gallows and Anderson haven’t had much to do lately. The change of pace for them may be just what the doctor ordered.