WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Predictions

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Steel Cage Match for the RAW Tag Team Championship
The Hardy Boyz (c) vs Cesaro & Sheamus

Much like the Cruiserweight title match, the tag title match is a bit of a toss-up.  There’s really a lot of directions that the championships can go if either team wins.  But let’s first relish in the fact that not only are The Hardy Boyz back in the fold, but that Cesaro and Sheamus are their heel opposition.  The good sportsmen, shake hands after a clean loss thing was just not working for “The Swiss Superman” and “The Celtic Warrior”.  The switch to pure bad guys has been a very welcoming sight.

So what direction will the tag team division go in after Sunday night?  On paper, a Hardyz victory might make the most sense.  It’s pretty clear that The Revival are the heir apparent to the tag titles.  They’re arguably the best tag team on earth and are poised for big things.  Wouldn’t it be a perfect way to solidify them as the one of the very best by beating a baby face, hall of fame caliber tag team for the belts?  If that’s the case, The Hardyz win Sunday night.  But on the flip-side, this is by far the best stuff we’ve seen of Cesaro and Sheamus as a duo and it would be an absolute shame to see them lose and fall back to the under card.  Plus, a Hardy loss could potentially put the brothers on a path to feud with each other again, and that’s always fun.

And here we are.  Taking everything into account, I think the most surprising thing about this whole feud is how much Sheamus and Cesaro have gotten over since the heel turn.  The WWE most likely sees that and as such, will take advantage.  Cesaro and Sheamus get their belts back in what could potentially be the match of the night.  The Revival can wait a little bit.

Winners and new champions: Cesaro and Sheamus