WWE Extreme Rules: Top 10 Matches of All Time

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7. Christian vs Alberto Del Rio – Extreme Rules 2011

This was a great match, no doubt.  But was it amazing?  One of the best ladder matches of all-time?  No.  But what this match will always be remembered for is that it was the night that “Captain Charisma” finally won his first world championship in the WWE.  After over 15 years in the wrestling business, 8 of those with the WWE, and numerous secondary titles, 18 to be exact, Christian finally climbed the mountain and achieved his greatest success during his ladder match with Del Rio at the 2011 Extreme Rules.

The moment definitely outshines the match but that’s not to say the match wasn’t very good.  It happened to be the best match of the entire show, a show that was one of the better Extreme Rules cards of all-time.  Both men took tremendous punishment.  Del Rio, who never gets enough credit for his in-ring work, especially took some hellacious bumps.  Brodus Clay got himself involved in the action and ended up wearing a legitimate crimson mask for his troubles.

But quite possibly the best part of the bout other than when Christian actually snatched the belt, was the arrival of Edge.  Christian’s long-time tag team partner and real-life best friend, “The Rated R Superstar” helped distract Del Rio long enough for Christian to turn the tables and capture the strap.  It was an emotional moment for both men.  Edge, an 11-time world champion, had just retired 3 weeks prior due to injuries and couldn’t contain his emotions has swept away tears while he watched his friend achieve his dream.  This was undoubtedly one of the best moments in Extreme Rules history and most likely the best night of Christian’s wrestling life.