WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades

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Steel Cage Match for the Raw Tag Team Championship
The Hardys (c) vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

Result: Cesaro and Sheamus escape the cage first to win the Raw Tag Team Championship.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

This became one of the rare Steel Cage matches to not feature pinfalls or submissions involved. A nice touch to a match that should always be won by escaping the cage.

Jeff Hardy became the first Superstar to escape, which left Matt with Cesaro and Sheamus. It puts him as a disadvantage since the challengers could have easily escaped, but Cesaro chose to go after Matt instead as he climbed. He got taken down and hit with a double Razor’s Edge move.

Jeff took a few nasty bumps by the cage, getting knocked off and taking a Cage Brogue Kick to the face. That doesn’t sound like an ideal evening in a WWE ring.

What also wasn’t idea was The Hardys losing the Raw Tag Team Championship by inches to Cesaro and Sheamus. It ended their two-month, nostalgia title run, and now makes them the chasers.

As for Cesaro and Sheamus, they won just one TV match in two months, which was the Tag Team Turmoil. They’re weak champions, even if they snuck by as heels. WWE needs to get them wins to legitimize them, otherwise, there won’t be much to their reign for however long it lasts.