WWE Money in the Bank 2017: Who Needs Men’s Briefcase Win the Most?

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3. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin is the closest thing that SmackDown Live has to “the next big thing.” He’s big, he’s got a good look and his talent in the ring has certainly grown.

The one thing Corbin is missing is that moment to catapult him to the top. He’s had some nice moments on the main roster, like his debut win in The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, but there aren’t many other big moments that spring to mind from his career.

Winning the briefcase would be that moment for him. It would bring him right to the main event and make him a top guy.

Corbin does not have the same risk as some of the older guys because he is only 32 and his image could be rehabbed from a booking mistake. Still, I don’t know if the briefcase fits his lone wolf persona.

One of the biggest things Corbin has in his favor is that his character is very well defined and him carrying the briefcase for too long could hurt his character. He might benefit from a straight up title victory over a true babyface champion.