WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 5

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Source: WWE.com (via Twitter)

Enzo Flirts With Charly

Methinks Cass doth protest too much, my lord. Or maybe Charly Caruso beat up Enzo because he saw Wonder Woman and likes chicken, or something, I don’t know.

(It was totally Cass.)

Anyway, Cass claims to be watching Enzo’s back at all times, which I guess is accurate if he jumps him from behind and stares at his back as he stomps a mudhole in it. Maybe Cass can team up with Scott Dawson until Dash’s jaw heals.

Kurt Angle Gets Meta With Little Miss Bliss

First off, Kurt Angle deserves another medal for the work he’s been doing since returning to WWE. Openly acknowledging the pile of garbage that was “This Is Your Life” last week as such was unexpected but absolutely welcomed. WWE, RawSmackDown, NXT, 205 Live, and pay per views don’t exist in a vacuum. The people on the shows should absolutely respond to what happens in the show. This is a great start.

Shooting down Alexa’s idea for another This Is Your Life segment, Kurt makes a match for tonight. Alexa wants to take the easy way out, but Angle sees right through it – he’s been around the block a few times. And, Kurt knows that Alexa has promised Nia Jax a title match, so things basically book themselves.