WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 5

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TJP vs. Mustafa Ali

Result: TJP defeated Mustafa Ali via pinfall

Rating: 2.0 out of 5 stars

I don’t know what’s up with Raw this week – in recent weeks, episodes have been jam-packed with matches. But tonight, at the midway point of the episode we’ve had one lengthy match to start the show, a no contest, and two ridiculously short matches. I know there was a pay per view 24 hours ago, but there were plenty of superstars not on the card who could get a match tonight.

Anyway, TJP had his instructions to take care of business, and he did. There wasn’t a lot of time devoted, but aside from a single chinlock, things were on the high-octane side of things.

I liked the finish, because it actually made sense and didn’t seem contrived at all. Ali uses an inverse 450 splash for his finish, so he drags TJP to the corner. He can’t get a lot of distance on it, so he’s got to have him right in the corner. Because TJP is so close, he can kick Ali off, and use the momentum to set up the Detonation Kick for a victory. When pro wrestling makes sense, it’s terrific. More of this would be great for 205 Live – and Raw in general.

After the match, Neville comes down and says Kurt Angle refused to give TJP a title match. When TJP dares to tell Neville what to do, the King gets a serious case of the crazy eyes, and goes bonkers before announcing a Cruiserweight Championship match for 205 Live tomorrow night.