Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for June 8

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Impact World Championship Match
Lashley (c) vs Moose

Result: Lashley def. Moose via pinfall

The match starts in a power battle to see who can knock the other down.  Lashley gets the first shot and lets his confidence get the best of him allowing Moose to fight back.  Moose turns up the tempo with an aggressive striking offensive.  Once the match goes outside, Lashley takes control which has been routine in his matches.  Lashley starts to ground the speedy big man after his early match attack.  Neither competitor could find true momentum in this match as they have battled before.  Both men being champions in their own right have the fighting spirit for this match to go the distance.  Moose hits the Go to Hell Chokeslam but Lashley continues to fight and wins with a spear.  Lashley retains the Impact World Championship.

Impact continues to impress with World Title matches.  Moose versus Lashley has been the match that many fans have been looking forward to.  Also, it makes sense to have Moose challenge to bring credit to the Impact Grand Championship too.

LAX presents the Global Force Tag Team Championships to Santana and Ortiz.  They are congratulated by Konnan and Homicide and set out on their next objective.