Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for June 8

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Knockouts Championship Match
Rosemary (c) vs Laurel Van Ness

Result: Rosemary def. Van Ness via pinfall

Rosemary comes out aggressive as referee Stiffler checks on Van Ness.  Sienna takes advantage by taking Rosemary from ringside.  Rosemary fights back quickly and capitalizes off of miscommunication between Sienna and Van Ness.

After the match, Sienna attacks Rosemary from behind.  As Van Ness and Sienna gang up on the Knockout’s Champion, Allie comes in to help.  She is aided by a foreign object that she brought with her.  Allie turns her back on Sienna and Van Ness and as the attack is about to turn on her, Rosemary once again comes to her aid.  Rosemary shows her trust by dropping the foreign object in the middle of the ring instead of striking Allie.

This is a battle of demented characters with Rosemary and Broken Laurel Van Ness.  It definitely was an interesting clash of characters but the match was short.  This match could’ve been longer but only seemed to develop the Sienna, Rosemary, Allie angle.

The training session between Jeremy Borash and Joseph Park continues.  It looks like Borash may be more athletic than Park until he falls off the treadmill.