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1. Jinder Mahal
There has certainly been nothing more shocking this year than when Jinder Mahal defeated Randy Orton at Backlash to win the WWE Championship. A jobber for most of his WWE career, Mahal got a second chance for his career when he joined Smackdown Live thanks to the Superstar Shakeup.
Mahal quickly became legit when he won a six pack challenge to become the number one contender, for the WWE Championship. With him finally getting his chance Mahal has grabbed the ball and has run with it.
Mahal would defeat Orton at Backlash, and now looks primed to retain his title in two weeks at Money in the Bank. While the event is in Orton’s hometown of St.Louis, Mahal has claimed that the Modern Day Maharaja will leave still WWE Champion.
If Mahal can get past The Viper at Money in the Bank the next man up to face him could be none other than John Cena. Just like Kevin Owens, Jinder Mahal looks down on the America people and believes they are arrogant and jealous of his success.
Taking pride of being American and the hero to many of WWE fans Cena could then step up to try and take the WWE Championship away from Mahal. The feud sets up to fantastic outcomes to as it could prove if Mahal is really a top guy and it would begin Cena’s quest for his record 17th World Championship.
Despite his recent success and being the WWE Champion there are still many who think that Mahal is just a one hit wonder. Going through both Randy Orton and Cena though would clear any doubters minds that he is not a legit star.
Beating Cena could be Mahal’s final test to prove that he is a legit star and is a main event caliber superstar. He has shown that he can both talk and be very solid in the ring, proving he can hang with Cena could be his last test to prove it to everyone.
As for Cena, him battling the for the WWE Championship would give him a chance to be the man with the most Heavyweight Championship reigns in history. After having such a short reign during his 16th, Cena could see this reign as a point to prove he’s not close to being finished yet.
Being able to defeat the young and new Jinder Mahal would prove that Cena is an old veteran just yet and he can still hang with the best of them. This feud would give Smackdown Live a great main event Summer feud that could represent the Blue Brand this year at Summerslam.
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The Franchise vs The Modern Day Maharaja is certainly the most likely feud to begin when John Cena returns to Smackdown Live on the Fourth of July.