Impact Wrestling: Results and Analysis for June 15

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Sony 6 Invitational Gauntlet Match

Result: Mahabali Shera is Victorious

It started with Suicide and Matt Sydal which gave it an X-Division feel.  Sydal seems to have the number of Suicide early in this match.  Suicide seemed like he couldn’t find his offense in the match as Davey Richards makes his way to the ring.  Richards came in overly aggressive and Suicide finally got some offense in.  KM joins the match and lobbies with Richards to avoid an attack.  Suicide is the first competitor eliminated as Swoggle makes his way into the match.

Swoggle’s offense is ineffective as Eddie Edwards comes to his aid.  Edwards eliminates himself and Davey Richards as they brawl to the backstage area.  As Rockstar Spud comes into the match, Sydal and Swoggle work together.  Kongo Kong comes in just as KM is in trouble and Kong eliminates the threat to friend, KM.  Kong also eliminates Spud and Spud helps Kong take out Swoggle.  Moose comes in to a two on one heavyweight affair with Kong and KM.  His momentum doesn’t last long as Kong and KM work together to take him out of the match.  The hometown hero, Mahabali Shera, comes out to a roaring ovation as Shera is left in the ring with KM to crown a winner.  The two battled back and forth but the adulation of the crowd boosted Shera to a victory with the Skyhigh.

A gauntlet match was an interesting way to showcase the X-Division stars without too many high flying moves.  As the match kept going, it was interesting to see who all would join the match.  It had several different wrestlers besides the mainstays in the X-Division.  Swoggle’s appearance in the match was hilarious with his attempts at offense.  The greatest rivalry in modern day history entered the match when Swoggle and Spud battled it out.  The fans lit up when Shera came into the match and it was not surprising that he won the gauntlet in his hometown.