WWE Money in the Bank 2017: 3 Opportunities for Baron Corbin to Cash-in

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What makes Baron Corbin so good is that he’s singularly focused on one goal: making money. And how can he make more money? By winning championships. If he were to cash in as soon as possible, Corbin would receive the greatest return on his investment. Winning the WWE Championship would mean a bigger paycheck and the perks that go along with being the champion.

To Corbin, Jinder Mahal, probably seems like a very easy target for a cash in. Jinder Mahal, has been nothing but a flash in the pan. Before winning the WWE Championship from Randy Orton at Backlash, Jinder was losing matches night after night to Cesaro, Finn Balor, and even Mojo Rawley. Nothing to be ashamed of, but certainly not a threat to someone like Baron Corbin.

If the Modern Day Maharaja has any upcoming televised title defenses coming up in the near future, especially against Randy Orton, he should heed Corbin warning and keep his head on a swivel, because the Lone Wolf may be hunting.

A short run with the briefcase would also help hide one of Corbin’s bigger weaknesses. Corbin’s, often robotic tone on the mic has led to a bit of criticism. For some it’s just his cold methodical approach, to other’s it sounds like he’s struggling to remember what he has to say.