WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 19
RAW. Photo by WWE.com
Miz TV with Maryse
Keeping count, we returned from the 11th commercial break of the evening to see the most must-seen television segment (or whatever the heck Miz says) on Monday Night RAW, MizTV.
In this segment, there was Miz in the ring with a big red present in the center of the ring with two bears on both sides of it holding “I’m Sorry” signs.
Miz later introduced his wife Maryse who came out to her own music.
When she arrived into the ring, Miz professed his love for Maryse and apologized for what happened weeks ago in which Miz broken the grandfather clock she got for him.
Maryse forgives Miz and they are about to make up with a kiss, but Dean Ambrose’s music hits and interrupts the touching moment.
Ambrose comes in and accidentally spills water on Maryse, resulting in them getting into another argument in which she left the ring.
In the process of this altercation, Miz destroys the grandfather clock again prior to Maryse’s exit.
While leaving the ring, Miz apologizes over and over again only to be greeted by an attempted Dirty Deeds turned clothesline over the top rope by Ambrose.
In the ring, though, the two bears attack Ambrose and it is revealed that it was Dallas and Axel who seemingly accepted Miz’s invite to join his stable.
This was a creative segment, but I’m tired of the bears quite frankly. Dallas and Axel didn’t go over at any point in the show prior to that, but credit to the WWE for trying to tie them into something on the show. They have a roster spot so they might as well find their way on a television show that is three hours long.
Besides, more Axel and Dallas means less Cruiserweight junk.
We’ll see how this faction evolves as time goes on.