4 Predictions for WWE SmackDown Live: June 20, 2017

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Maria and Mike Kanellis Join the Ranks

This past Sunday, the WWE Universe witnessed Maria Kanellis’ return to WWE. She didn’t come alone though, as her husband Mike Bennett (aka Mike Kanellis) made his debut to the company alongside her. Together, the chemistry that’s already been established promises to electrify SmackDown Live. According to them the “power of love” is set to be a fixture on the Blue Brand going forward.

If their first segment is any indication, these two have the chance to make a great impact. While they’re obviously heels, the way they present themselves is different from what we normally see. These aren’t bad guys looking to assert dominance, instead Mike and Maria are over the top in their love for each other. It’s a completely opposite dynamic from the regular line-up, which is only going to aid them in separating themselves from the pack.

At the time of this writing, it’s hard to imagine a clear direction for these two superstars. Both Mike and Maria are athletically gifted, but the time for them to compete isn’t now. In fact, they shouldn’t enter the squared circle for quite a stretch of time. Let the two showcase their love repeatedly, and in the process make it so they view their love as more important and wonderful than anything else in WWE.

Once the time for them to participate in the ring arrives, it’ll be interesting to see who will stand in their way. There aren’t many top stars available at the moment, and Mike seemed to be destined for the midcard anyway. Personally, I think a great choice here would be to have him face Tye Dillinger. It’d be a battle of the Perfect Ten versus the power of love, a match which while corny on paper, could produce amazing results.