Will Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns Affect SummerSlam Title Scene?


On this week’s episode on Raw, Braun Strowman made a surprise return by once again attacking Reigns and challenging him to an Ambulance Match at the next PPV, will this affect Summerslam plans?

Oh boy, the big bad monster is back on Raw! That’s right Braun Strowman made his unexpected return this past Monday by coming in via ambulance to go after nonother than Roman Reigns. The timing is fantastic as Reigns made an announcement to kick off the show that he wants to face the Universal Champion at Summerslam. This lead to a confrontation between Reigns and Samoa Joe, which then led to a match between the pair. It was during this match that Strowman made his return, the distraction was enough for Joe to hit the Coquina Clutch to gain the victory.

Strowman was not finished there, he attacked Reigns and then issued a challenge for Great Balls Of Fire. Not just any challenge but for the pair to have an ambulance match! This makes sense considering the use of the ambulance in their long-running feud. It is fantastic to have Strowman back, his absence has been felt a great deal on Raw and now that he is back it feels right. Picking up the feud with Reigns is also the right move, the feud didn’t really have an end as he got injured.

With a big match set for Great Balls of Fire this can potentially affect Raw‘s main event match for Summerslam. Reigns did state he wanted to face the Universal Champion, whether it be Brock Lesnar or Samoa Joe. But if he loses against Strowman those chances should go out the window, and Strowman should be the one to get that spot against the champion. It would not make sense for Reigns to still get that spot if he loses, and Strowman is the man that should be getting the bigger push and potentially be the man to next go for the title.

It is going to be an interesting time on Raw with this feud, and what the ramifications this match will have. Great Balls Of Fire is not too far away and the road to Summerslam is beginning, everything is going to really start taking shape moving forward for the event. Strowman needs to be in the big picture and Roman Reigns at this point in time does not need to be in the Universal Title picture. The timing of Strowman’s return and the Ambulance match coming up, it does seem like the main event scene is going to be shaken up big time.

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Summerslam really needs to have a solid card, the prospect that Strowman could face Lesnar is an exciting one. This is the direction he needs to go in after Reigns, and Reigns has many options for the event. Reigns vs. Lesnar is not much of a draw and it doesn’t need to happen, there has to be a match we haven’t seen before and Raw‘s biggest monster is the better choice.