WWE NXT Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 21

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Kassius Ohno vs Aleister Black

Result: Aleister Black defeats Kassius Ohno via Black Mass

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

A lot was made of these two squaring off for the first time in an NXT ring, and for good reason. They have a long history competing against and with one another in the indies. Both men have unrivaled pedigrees throughout the world of professional wrestling.

Much was made about their similar striking styles, but the match started off as a very technical and grounded match. Both men exchanged submissions and grapples, with neither one truly gaining the upper hand.

However, after the commercial break we started seeing an explosion of offense with both man finally land strikes. Kassius began to pull away until some showmanship allowed Black to get the upper hand.

The match ended with a flurry of blows, with Aleister Black delivering the Black Mass kick to Ohno.

It’s amazing what can happen when WWE gets behind a wrestler 100%. That’s exactly what they’re doing with Black. Right now, I could see him at the top of the SmackDown Live roster competing for the WWE Championship. The guy is that smooth. But for right now, we’ll just have to enjoy him on NXT.

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That wraps up with week. What did you like, what did you hate, and what are you looking forward to next week? Leave a comment below.