WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 26

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Goldust vs. R-Truth

Result: No contest

Rating: N/A

Three things I loved about this match that never got started:

  • The sort of classic but not exactly the same as before OG Goldust ring entrance. The wig and robe are gone, but the rest of it was a flashback to twenty years ago. True to today’s Hollywood, the entrance was a “reimagining” of a beloved classic.
  • R-Truth being all business and not rapping his way to the ring. If you got punked out by your supposed best friend and were going to fight him, would you be all happy go lucky on the way to the fight?
  • Goldust’s personal “film operator” staying in the ring the whole time. I really thought the bell would ring, and the guy would stay there the whole match. (Side note: I really hope the film operator’s name is, like, Steve DeMille or something, just for the completely obvious “I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille gag at the end of the match.)

Thankfully, the match never really got started, so this wasn’t the big blow-off to the beef. With any luck, there’s a spot at Great Balls of Fire for a true match between Goldust and R-Truth. Not the kick-off show, mind you – these guys deserve a main show spot. This storyline has lasted for over a year and a half – let them get a real pay per view match.

Paul Heyman And The Fear of God

Does anyone else get the feeling that the look on Heyman’s face when Joe grabbed him from behind is the same look he gets when an ECW Original calls him looking for the money they still haven’t been paid? The look of sheer terror on his face is priceless.

Also, an underrated great thing Charly Caruso (and others) have been doing lately with backstage segments: acknowledging the rest of the show! We know there’s monitors backstage, why wouldn’t people participating in the broadcast not reference something else on the program? I love it, it takes the show out of a vacuum.