WWE SmackDown Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 27

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SmackDown Women’s Championship Match
Naomi (c) vs Lana

Result: Naomi wins via pinfall

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

Following the tag team contest, another episode of the Fashion Vice aired on the Blue Brand. This time, the skit centered around Breezango’s ongoing rivalry with the Ascension. Questioning the heel duo, Fandango and Tyler Breeze wanted to figure out if they were guilty of vandalizing their office. Claiming they were innocent, the Ascension were within eyesight as an unknown duo destroyed the office once again. Who is to blame in this ongoing dilemma?

Once the episode concluded, the focus shifted to the ring for tonight’s sole title match. Making her entrance first, Naomi was greeted to a strong crowd reaction. Lana followed suit after the commercial break, and surprisingly received some decent report from the live crowd as well. However, her cheers quickly turned to boos as she blind-sided Naomi before the match began.

Once the bell rang, Lana launched herself into the corner, colliding viciously into the champion. Going for the quick win, she nailed her finisher but was only able to net a two count. Raising Naomi to her feet, Lana was caught off-guard by a high kick to the face. Down and out, the Ravishing Russian was hit with the split-legged moonsault to end her night rather quickly. Their interaction ended as Lana voiced her displeasure inside the ring while Naomi celebrated on the ramp.

Shifting to the backstage area, Becky Lynch was interviewed about tonight’s Money in the Bank ladder match. Ready to make history, the Irish Lass hopes to become the first “legitimate” female MiTB holder.