WWE SmackDown: Who earns right to face Kevin Owens at Battleground?

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2. Chris Jericho

Although we have no real timeline on Chris Jericho’s return to WWE, or if he has any plans on coming back full-time yet in the first place, the man has made a name for himself due to his ability to keep a surprise under wraps pretty effectively.

His appearance at the 2013 Royal Rumble remains to this day as one of the most shocking returns of the modern era within WWE, due to its sheer shock value.

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Pair this with the fact that Jericho recently wrestled on WWE’s tour of Japan – albeit as a heel – and it looks like the man might be gearing up for a return after his brief hiatus to tour with Fozzy and perform in Ireland on his “Words of Jericho” tour.

Whether or not he continues to work as a heel when he comes back doesn’t matter.

WWE’s not going to do anything to change the fact that when Jericho does come back, he’s going to be met with a major ovation from the fans, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of that excitement for a little while at least.

For continuity’s sake, putting his long-time rivalry with Kevin Owens to bed once and for all at WWE Battleground would be an excellent way to do just that.

After all, Owens put an end to Jericho’s short run with the U.S. Championship in brutal fashion on the first SmackDown Live after WWE Payback. Not pursuing that in a big way upon Jericho’s return would feel like a wasted opportunity.

Sure, Jericho doesn’t belong in this match since he should logically hold a rematch clause already, but for the sheer sake of excitement, it would be fantastic to hear his theme blared through the arena as the entrants make their way to the ring.