WWE: 5 most awful pay-per-view names of all time

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2. This Tuesday In Texas

This Tuesday In Texas…really WWE? After a very good Survivor Series PPV, WWE turned around and decided to build on the success and have a PPV on Tuesday…in Texas. This was the first time WWE had a Tuesday PPV (It wouldn’t be the last time. In about 13 years Taboo Tuesday will ask this show to hold its beer.)

The PPV had two solid matches between Bret Hart and Skinner for the Intercontinental Championship and Macho Man and Jake the Snake Roberts. That between Jake and Macho gave us some classic heel work by Jake the Snake. It told a great story even though the match wasn’t a wrestling clinic the story telling was great. Too bad it was wasted on a Tuesday…in Texas. There also was a snooze fest between British Bulldog and The Warlock.

Then there was a match that involved The Repo Man. Any PPV with The Repo Man on it is bound to be trash. Finally there was the main event. It was a rematch for the WWE Championship between The Undertaker and Hulk Hogan. The rematch was just as bad as the first. Can you guess the outcome of this match? That’s right Hulk Hogan beat Taker with a school boy roll up.

After having this PPV on a Tuesday…in Texas, the title was vacated a few days later, making the entire need of the PPV a bust. Speaking of bust, there is even a bigger bust than this when it comes to the worst PPV names ever.