4 Predictions for WWE Raw: July 3, 2017

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The Universal Champion Strikes Back

During the previous episode, Brock Lesnar decided to make an appearance in front of the Raw audience. Making his way to the ring, the Beast was caught completely by surprise when Samoa Joe burst onto the scene. Attacking his Great Balls of Fire opponent from behind, Joe was quick to lock him his patented Coquina Clutch. Wearing down the champion, the number one contender sent a clear message that he’s entering his championship contest ready to make history.

With the exception of Goldberg, no one besides Joe has been able to take the Beast down. By doing so, the Samoan Destroyer created believers out of doubters in terms of his chances to emerge victoriously. Now that there’s only one episode left of Raw before their exchange, it’s crucial that Joe maintains this momentum.

However, in doing so, Joe must somehow withstand the fury of an angry Beast Incarnate. Lesnar loves a good fight, and his thirst for destruction is magnified whenever someone presents a challenge to him. While some champions would opt to wait until their title match to participate in a fight, Lesnar doesn’t share the same mentality.

On tonight’s episode, the current Universal Champion is going to be out for revenge. Anyone who stands in his way will pay the price, whether it be Joe or any other superstar on the roster. He might not get his hands on the Samoan Destroyer, but you can bet that if he doesn’t, someone is going to feel his wrath. At the end of the day, whatever destruction Lesnar creates tonight will only serve to enhance the interest of his dream match against Joe.