4 Predictions for WWE Raw: July 3, 2017

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Can the Huggable One Rebound from Her Latest Setbacks?

When the first female gauntlet match was announced for the last episode of Raw, fans were certainly intrigued by the prospect. The Women’s Championship scene was beyond cluttered, with six different women claiming a right to the number one contender slot. To rectify this, the gauntlet contest was created to solidify a rightful challenger to Alexa Bliss. Given the importance of such a historic moment, one would think everyone involved would’ve been able to shine somewhat.

Surprisingly, half of the competition included in the gauntlet were treated as complete afterthoughts. Dana Brooke and Emma were eliminated very quickly at the hands of Nia Jax, as was Mickie James. Only Bayley provided a challenge before Sasha Banks entered the fray, and even then it wasn’t enough to keep Jax down. After just a few short minutes inside the squared circle, Bayley became the first woman to be eliminated from the contest.

As a result of her early elimination, Bayley has been firmly removed from the championship hunt. This is indeed a great shame, because Banks and Bayley should’ve been the final two females left in the match. Jax could’ve eliminated the other three competitors, but Banks coming in fifth and Bayley sixth makes much more sense in hindsight. Instead of allowing Bayley to save some face, she was treated as an afterthought and soon enough, fans will consider her as much.

Going forward, Bayley needs to be given a proper presentation which reflects her standing with the WWE Universe. Her turning heel is a highly unlikely solution, as her entire character is based on her positive attitude. So, it’d be wise for Bayley to present a more aggressive side to her persona and in turn start to bounce back from her latest setbacks.