WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 5 Bold Predictions

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3. Roman Reigns Get Destroyed

Roman Reigns absolutely cannot win the Ambulance Match, it is not the right direction for him at the moment. It is all about building Braun Strowman, and Braun has to win this match. Typical creative booking would see Roman Reigns get the win here, but this summer it needs to be about Braun and his road to the WWE Universal Title. The headline Summerslam match needs to have Braun Strowman, there is no doubt about it. This is the guy who is going to be a big name for many years to come, he has proved his worth and things should only be getting better.

The match itself needs to be extremely brutal, they have to do things we haven’t seen them do so far. This has been a very long-running feud, we have seen a lot already, so they will need to one up their previous matches. The end needs to see Roman getting destroyed and Braun taking his place as the big bad monster. He has to be seen as the unstoppable force leading into Summerslam, the time is now for his rise to be complete and creative needs to know this.