WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 5 Bold Predictions

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2. Enzo Amore Defeats Big Cass

I don’t think anyone expects Enzo to win this match, he is completely out sized here and Big Cass is a powerful guy. However, it would be unexpected and a shock if Enzo actually picked up the win and got some redemption. This is one of Raw‘s biggest storylines at the moment, the splitting of these two came as a shock but it was bound to happen. Since this has happened both men have given us career top promo’s and are bringing out the best in each other. The match will be emotional and rough, and having the less predictable ending is exactly what it needs.

Both of these guys will need to work hard to survive as singles competitors, and Enzo on this weeks Raw really proved his worth. This is the match that he needs to shine in and prove he can handle a really big match. Cass has had some singles opportunities and he can be on his own and he needs to be. Enzo is more the one that has something big to prove, a lot hangs on the line with this match. The feud can’t be stretched out for too long, as it will make them lose momentum and they both need that right now.