WWE SummerSlam 2017: Match Card Predictions After Great Balls of Fire

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Source: WWE.com (via Twitter)

Big Cass vs. Big Show

Big Cass’ breakup with Enzo Amore was seen coming from a mile away once the attack angle started. It transpired with Cass revealing himself as the assailant and ending their tag team.

At Great Balls of Fire, Cass discarded Amore in minutes. He didn’t let the South Jersey native get any significant offense in, making this an extended squash. It pulled these two apart for good and set them off in different directions.

In between this, Big Show inserted himself into the feud (before Cass and Amore split). He played Amore’s tag partner in matches, which got the master of the Empire Elbow jealous and contributed to the eventual breakup. Might that lead to a match between these two giants?

A match may be a way of putting over Cass, similar to what Show did for Braun Strowman earlier this year. It should make the former look like a million bucks and help jumpstart his fall push, facing the next big-name face that heads his way.