WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 4 Raw Stars on the Rise After the Show

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Credit: WWE.com

2. Roman Reigns

Another Superstar featured here that actually lost his match is Roman Reigns. As much as some fans hate to admit it, this guy is good.

Roman Reigns is getting to the point where fans are starting to get behind him as a face. He would get cheers rather than boos throughout the match whenever he would retaliate against Braun Strowman.

Reigns even got a “This is awesome!” going after he threw Strowman through the titantron. There’s no denying that Roman Reigns is a great worker who can always deliver great matches in big situations.

Even though his match was great, the aftermath of the match was even better. Roman ended up losing the match because he missed a spear, and Strowman capitalized and closed the ambulance doors on him.

Reigns, outraged with the result, decided to play dirty. Reigns speared Strowman and hit him with the ambulance door. Then, Reigns tossed Strowman into the ambulance and tossed the driver out of the ambulance.

Reigns drove the ambulance, with Strowman in the back, to a parking garage area. Then, Reigns floored it in reverse into a semi-truck. The back of the ambulance folded like an accordion on impact.

This is a great way for Reigns to look strong after losing, and it’s a good way to keep Strowman out of action so Reigns can stake his claim at the Universal Championship at SummerSlam.

What Reigns did at Great Balls of Fire will be talked about for a long time, and it just reassures Roman Reigns’ position as The Guy. It’s his yard now.